About Me
My Story and Philosophy
Hi, I'm Inna!
A free spirit, 200h registered yoga teacher and forever student with love & compassion for Earth and its all beings – fueled by passion, creativity and inspiration.
Growing up in Ukraine, I was always craving to explore the world, moved to The Netherlands and traveled whenever possible – well I still am. But as drawn as I am to the world, I do love Amsterdam, my current home.
I started practicing yoga as try to deal with depression, stress and chronical migraines. The practice became my own journey to self-healing and I was impressed by its therapeutic effects, that came with time. Happier and healthier I developed the softness of body and mind, feeling more aware of my actions and my thoughts. With pleasure I fully opened my life to the yoga philosophy and it’s traditional concepts, including the spiritual path and to live more consciously, also through the infinite wisdom of the heart.
Yoga changed my life and I’m grateful to be able to spread the healing benefits of yoga with others to enhance their quality of life.

I offer a safe and sacred space, where you can look deeper within yourself and become aware of your innate flow. Yoga is always appearing in our lives in the right moment and can show us just how much we are in charge of our physical health and mental well-being.
My Philosophy

Asana is primarily the physical aspect of practice that is often seen as the meaning of yoga. Even though asana is an important part of the yoga journey with incredible benefits for all systems of the body, it’s only one of the stages of eight-limbed path of yoga. The philosophy of yoga also involves moral foundation, self-study practices, cultivation of steadiness and ease, exploration of subtle energetic pathways, the practice of revealing external distractions, which eventually leads to the state of meditation and possibly into the fullest fruit – the bliss.
Yoga is far more than the practice done in class, it goes well beyond your yoga mat, into your daily life. Tuning into the body, breath and mind during the practice of yoga, will set powerful intentions and transform your entire life. While transforming on the mat, you start noticing how your perception and viewpoint change each and every day. The simple practices, which bring yoga into the daily life are the tools for cultivation of greater awareness, clearer perspective and a more connected way of life.
There is not such thing as the perfect practice or a perfect yogi. It neither matters how beautiful or difficult the pose you do looks like, nor how flexible your body is. Yoga is a continuing inner experience. Unlike dance or theatre, yoga is not made for observers, the only real observers are the practitioners themselves. After each great pose, comes a more advanced variation of it. It’s important to not get attached to how the poses look like, come to practice with no expectations and let yourself dive into the depth of experience withing yourself, and find there something more extraordinary than a mastery of a beautiful form.